Update multiple tasks

  • Last updated on January 19, 2024 at 4:13 AM

Why update one task at a time, when you can update multiple?

How to update multiple tasks

You can select multiple tasks on your Task board in BugHerd and update the:

  • Status 
  • Assignee
  • Tags
  • Severity, or
  • Due Date

Select multiple tasks by holding down ctrl (windows) or cmd (mac) while selecting tasks. 

Select a series of tasks by holding down Shift and clicking the first and last task in the series.

Then select what you want to update from the task bar that appears.

You can select up to 50 tasks to update at one time.

Move multiple tasks from the feedback tab

You can now move multiple tasks from the feedback tab to the Task Board by selecting tasks and changing the status.

Archive multiple tasks

You can also move tasks from the feedback tab or Task board to the archive by changing the status.

Email alert for new assignee

When you update multiple tasks to a new assignee, they will receive an email, letting them know they have multiple new tasks assigned to them.

How to undo a multiple task update

You can undo the last change you made by clicking Undo. 

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