How to allow Clients to see Member Feedback
- Last updated on February 21, 2025 at 12:55 AM
(Premium feature)
Clients can only see and comment on tasks that they reported, but with this feature, Client users will be able to see tasks reported by a Member. You can also @mention Clients in the task and they will be notified by email.
This is useful if you want to direct a client's attention to a particular task that you've added to a project.
Change member feedback to be visible to clients
- In the task details, click the Visible to field.
- Select to make the task visible to Members or Members & Clients.
- Toggle the comment visibility button to switch between All users and Members only.
How to tag a client in a member created task
- Once you've changed the Visible to field to Members & Clients, you can @mention a client in the comments.
- The client will receive an email alerting them to your comment.
- And can view and reply to the task from the BugHerd sidebar on their website.