View all your tasks with the Dashboard

  • Last updated on January 17, 2024 at 1:57 AM

The Dashboard provides a personalised list of tasks and comments for you, across all your BugHerd projects, making it easier to see what needs your attention.

The Dashboard is split into two sections - My Tasks and Comments for me and includes:

  • Tasks you've been assigned to
  • Tasks you've reported
  • A list of comments that require your attention.


Managing your tasks

The My Tasks list is sorted by default by Project Name and Task ID. You can also sort by Due date, to organise your tasks by when they need to be completed.

Clicking on a task will open the task in the Task Board, where you can view more details about the task and complete it.

Managing your comments

In Comments for me you’ll be able to view comments that you’ve been mentioned in and comments on tasks you’re assign to.

You can also search comments using the search field.

So all that's left is for you to you to decide what you’d like to work on first.