Setting up your Task Board

  • Last updated on February 24, 2025 at 11:53 PM

The BugHerd Task Board makes it easy for you to:

  1. collect and track feedback and bugs
  2. invite others to give or solve feedback and bugs
  3. modify BugHerd to fit with your workflows.

This video gives a quick overview of how to manage feedback on your Task Board.

1. Collect feedback

Each project you set up in BugHerd will have feedback sent to the corresponding board, where you can manage it.

Feedback from members of your project appear as tasks in the Backlog column on the board. You can click a task to open it and view more information. You can also assign the task to a team member, add a severity, tag the task for filtering and sorting, add comments and tag other BugHerd users from your project in them. You can update tasks individually or select multiple tasks to update at the same time

Feedback from clients to your project lands on the Feedback tab of your Task Board. Here you can sort it, remove duplicates and move it to different columns on the Task Board.

When you're done with a project, or stage of a project, you can archive tasks that are finished. Simply archive the whole done column, or select tasks you want to archive and then click Archive.

Tasks can only be archived from the last column on the Task Board.

You can view tasks in the Archive tab. You can also retrieve tasks from the archive by going to the Archive tab, selecting the task you want to retrieve and clicking Send to Task Board. 

2. Invite others to work with you

As the owner of your BugHerd, you can invite others to give feedback on your project, or invite your team to help solve any bugs and feedback.

BugHerd lets you invite people as either a Member or a Client. 

Members can access the Task Board and view and modify tasks on the board.

Clients cannot access the Task Board and can only leave feedback on the website.

Read more about the differences between Clients and Members.


3. Customise your task board

Make BugHerd work with your existing workflows by customising the Task Board and Integrating BugHerd with other tools.

Customise your Task Board by adding or removing columns, changing the headers and moving the columns around.

4. Set up your default task board

Create a default task board template with the columns you want, in the order you want them and save yourself time when you set up a new project.
Note:You need to be a BugHerd manager or owner to set up task board templates.

  1. Click your org name and select Org Settings
  2. Go to the Templates tab.
  3. Under Project columnsyou can add, remove, rename and reorder the columns for your task board.
      • Click Add column to add a column.
      • Click the X at the end of a column name to delete the column
      • Change column names by typing over the existing name.
      • Change the order of columns by click-and-dragging the grey square to where you want.
  4. Click Save when you’re done. 

Next time you create a project, your task board will have your default columns.








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