BugHerd Zapier Triggers & Action API references

  • Last updated on January 22, 2024 at 11:31 PM

The following is a list of the Triggers/Actions available for you to use with BugHerd.




Project created 

Triggered whenever a new Project is created in BugHerd.



Field nameTypeDescription
NameStringName of the project
IDIntegerID of the project in your BugHerd organization
Organization IDIntegerID of your BugHerd organization
Feedback URLStringURL of the project
Is PublicBooleanTrue if "Public Feedback" is enabled in the Project Settings
Is ActiveBooleanFalse if the project has been "Disabled"
MembersArrayArray of JSON object containing members with access to the project.
Members IDArrayIDs of members with access to the project
Members EmailArrayEmail addresses of members with access to the project
Members Display NameArrayNames of members with access to the project
GuestsArrayArray of JSON object containing guests with access to the project.
Guests IDArrayIDs of guests with access to the project
Guests EmailArrayEmail addresses of guests with access to the project 
Guests Display NameArrayNames of guests with access to the project


Task created  

Triggered whenever a new Task is created on a project.



Field nameTypeDescription
BugHerd IDInt A unique ID for this task in BugHerd
Task IDInt The ID of the task within this project 
Project IDInt The ID of the project 
DescriptionString The description of the issue
StatusString The status of the task (Backlog, Todo, etc.) 
SeverityStringThe severity of the task (critical, important, etc.) 
URLStringThe URL that the task was reported on.
Share URL String A unique public URL to allow viewing/sharing this task without requiring access to BugHerd.
Task URL String The URL to view the task in BugHerd.
Created At Date/time Date/Time that the task was created 
Tags Array of Strings Array of tags applied to this task.
Reported By JSON ObjectJSON object containing details of the user who reported this task.
Reported By ID IntID of user who reported this task
Reported By Email StringEmail address of user who reported this task
Reported by Display Name StringName of user who reported this task
Assigned ToArrayArray of JSON Objects containing details of users assigned to this task
Assigned To IDArrayArray of IDs of users assigned to this task
Assigned To EmailArrayArray of email addresses of users assigned to this task
Assigned Display NameArray Array of the names of users assigned to this task 
OSStringOperating system of the user who created this task 
BrowserStringBrowser of the user who created this task
Browser SizeString Browser Viewport size of the user who created this task
Color DepthString Color depth of the monitor used by the user who created this task
ResolutionStringResolution of the monitor used by the user who created this task
Custom DataJSON ObjectAny custom metadata included in the JavaScript embed code you've added to the page (see here for more detail).


Task created or updated 

Triggered when a new task is created, or a task is updated on a project.



Field nameTypeDescription
BugHerd IDInt A unique ID for this task in BugHerd
Task IDInt The ID of the task within this project 
Project IDInt The ID of the project 
External IDStringA field for you to store an ID from another software tool for easier updating of data back into BugHerd
DescriptionString The description of the issue
StatusString The status of the task (Backlog, Todo, etc.) 
SeverityStringThe severity of the task (critical, important, etc.) 
AttachmentsArrayArray of strings containing URLs of files attached to this task.
URLStringThe URL that the task was reported on.
Share URL String A unique public URL to allow viewing/sharing this task without requiring access to BugHerd.
Task URL String The URL to view the task in BugHerd.
Created At Date/time Date/Time that the task was created 
Due AtDate/timeDue date of the task
Closed AtDate/timeDate that the task was closed (if status is "closed")
Deleted AtDate/timeDate that the task was deleted (if applicable)
Tags Array of Strings Array of tags applied to this task.
Reported By JSON ObjectJSON object containing details of the user who reported this task.
Reported By ID IntID of user who reported this task
Reported By Email StringEmail address of user who reported this task
Reported by Display Name StringName of user who reported this task
Assigned ToArrayArray of JSON Objects containing details of users assigned to this task
Assigned To IDArrayArray of IDs of users assigned to this task
Assigned To EmailArrayArray of email addresses of users assigned to this task
Assigned Display NameArray Array of the names of users assigned to this task 
OSStringOperating system of the user who created this task 
BrowserStringBrowser of the user who created this task
Browser SizeString Browser Viewport size of the user who created this task
Color DepthString Color depth of the monitor used by the user who created this task
ResolutionStringResolution of the monitor used by the user who created this task
Custom DataJSON ObjectAny custom meta data included in the JavaScript embed code you've added to the page (see here for more detail).


Comment created 

Triggered when a new comment is added to a Task.



Field nameTypeDescription
IDIntA unique ID for this comment in BugHerd
Task IDInt The ID of the task that this comment is associated with
Project IDInt The ID of the project 
CommentString The comment text
Created atDate/time The status of the task (Backlog, Todo, etc.) 
Created By IDIntID of user who created this comment
Created By EmailStringEmail of user who created this comment
Created By NameString

Name of user who created this comment


Task DescriptionString

Description of the task that this comment is associated with

Task URLString

The URL to view the task in BugHerd. 





Create a new Task

Create a new Task in a BugHerd Project.



Field nameTypeDescription
Project IDInt (Required) The ID of the project 
DescriptionString (Required) Description of the task (2000 character limit)
SeverityString(Required) The severity of the task (Critical, Important, etc.) 
StatusString(Required) The status of the task (Backlog, Todo, etc.)
Reported By EmailStringEmail of user who created this task

Array of text tags to add to this task

Assigned to Email addressesArrayArray of email addresses of BugHerd users who are assigned to this task. Note: Email addresses must match email of user in BugHerd in order to be correctly assigned. Email addresses that aren't associated with a BugHerd user will be ignored.


External IDString

A field to store a reference or ID to this task in the originating software tool. Use this field as a quick way to be able to look up this task using an ID from your other tools. For example, Trello Card ID, etc. (see Find by External ID below).

Custom DataJSON Object

A JSON object that you can use to store any additional with this Task. Note: This data is only available via API, data is not visible in the BugHerd application UI.


Update a Task

Update a Task in a BugHerd project.



Field nameTypeDescription
Project IDInt (Required) The ID of the project 
Task IDInt(Required) The ID of the task
DescriptionString (Required) Description of the task (2000 character limit)
SeverityString(Required) The severity of the task (Critical, Important, etc.) 
StatusString(Required) The status of the task (Backlog, Todo, etc.)
Reported By EmailStringEmail of user who created this task

Array of text tags to add to this task

Due atDate/Time

Due date of this task

Assigned to Email addressesArrayArray of email addresses of BugHerd users who are assigned to this task. Note: Email addresses must match email of user in BugHerd in order to be correctly assigned. Email addresses that aren't associated with a BugHerd user will be ignored.
External IDString

A field to store a reference or ID to this task in the originating software tool. Use this field as a quick way to be able to look up this task using an ID from your other tools. For example, Trello Card ID, etc. (see Find by External ID below).

Custom DataJSON Object

A JSON object that you can use to store any additional with this Task. Note: This data is only available via API, data is not visible in the BugHerd application UI.


Add a comment to a Task

Add a comment to a Task in a BugHerd project.



Field nameTypeDescription
Project IDInt (Required) The ID of the project 
Task IDInt(Required) The ID of the task
User email addressString Email address of the BugHerd user who commented. Note: Email addresses must match email of user in BugHerd in order to be correctly assigned. Email addresses that aren't associated with a BugHerd user will be ignored.
CommentString(Required) The comment text


Add an attachment to a Task

Add an attachment to a Task in a BugHerd project.


Field nameTypeDescription
Project IDInt (Required) The ID of the project
Task IDInt(Required) The ID of the task
FilenameString (Required) the filename of the attachment. This will be appended to the URL field below
URLString(Required) URL location of the attachment


Create a new Project

Description: Create a new Project in BugHerd.


Field nameTypeDescription
NameString (Required) The name of the project 
Feedback URLString(Required) The URL of the project where feedback will be given in BugHerd.
Allow Public Feedback?True/False If True, anonymous users will be able to give feedback on this project.
URLString(Required) URL location of the attachment


Find a Task by External ID

Description: Find a Task in BugHerd by the External ID that you have set. The External ID can be set via the Update Task action above. This is useful when setting up a 2 way integration between BugHerd and another tool as it allows you to associate the ID of the task in another tool with the related Task in BugHerd (should you ever want to update the Task in BugHerd).  


Field nameTypeDescription
Project IDString (Required) The ID of the project
External IDStringThe external ID field value to search for.




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