How do I give feedback or log a bug?

  • Last updated on October 28, 2022 at 3:58 AM

Giving feedback on websites is easy with BugHerd. It’s designed so you can give feedback on a webpage while you’re looking at it. 

Just select the type of feedback you want to give: 

  • Feedback on a specific part or element on a web page
  • Feedback on the entire page, or
  • Video feedback

Check out this video for more.


How to give feedback on a specific part of the page

  1. On the BugHerd sidebar, click the plus (+) button.
  2. Click on the website where you want to leave feedback. A new task box appears.
  3. Type your feedback in the box and click Create Task. Your feedback is saved and a pin appears on the webpage.
  4. If you want to edit your feedback, click the pin where you left feedback. The details of the task slide out from the sidebar. 
  5. To view all the feedback you’ve given, click All Tasks in the sidebar. A complete list of feedback you’ve created appears. You may also be able to see tasks created by others.

How to give video feedback

  1. On the BugHerd sidebar, click the video button.
  2. Click to allow microphone permissions for audio recording.
  3. Click to accept screen recording. If you don’t accept screen sharing or screen recording, you won’t be able to use the video feedback feature.
  4. Select whether you want to record your screen, a window or a specific tab of the browser.
  5. Select which screen you want to record. BugHerd enables you to record interactions on your screen. Note that you can’t move to a different page without stopping the recording.
    BugHerd also gives you a one-minute countdown timer to help you stay concise.
  6. When you’re finished, click Stop Recording.
  7. The Create Task window appears, confirming the screen recording has been captured successfully.
  8. Add any additional information you want in the Task Details window.
  9. Click Create Task to save your video feedback.

It's as easy at that! 


BugHerd sidebar not appearing when you first leave feedback?

If you're setting up your first project, you need to give feedback or report a bug to continue through the setting up process. If the BugHerd sidebar isn't appearing, this video can help troubleshoot the more common problems.

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