When are task email notifications sent?

  • Last updated on February 25, 2025 at 2:40 AM

There are 4 types of email notifications in BugHerd:

You can manage your notification preferences by editing your Profile.

To be promptly notified when a Client or a Member creates a new task, you will need to enable this setting in Settings > Notification > New Task Setting and only the members/managers on the project will receive this email notification. 

This feature is particularly useful if a Client user creates a new task, it allows you to stay informed whenever they submit feedback. 

New Task Update emails

When enabled, New Task Updates are sent immediately when a New Task is created in your project. Pretty straight-forward really! :D



Task Update emails

When enabled, Task Updates are sent immediately when important actions happen on your Task. These are intended to keep Project Managers, Members, and Clients aware of any conversation that is occurring on a Task.

Task updates notify you immediately when any of the following actions occur.

  • Task assigned to you
  • Comment on a task you reported
  • Comment on a task assigned to you
  • Comment on a task you have commented on (optional)
  • If you’re a Manager of a project, comments on un-assigned tasks (optional)

Here's an example Task Update email from Bugherd...


Project Update emails

When enabled, Project Updates are sent on an hourly, daily, or weekly frequency. They are designed to give you a high-level summary of things that are important but probably not necessary to know about as they happen.

The Project Update email provides you with a summary of:

  • New Tasks created
  • New Comments
  • Tasks moved to Done
  • Tasks Closed

Here's an example of the Project Update email that BugHerd will send you.


@mention emails

When you @mention a user in a comment, an email notification is sent immediately to the user. You can @mention anyone who has access to the Project. Please note; @mention notifications are not able to be turned off in BugHerd.


A note about Public feedback

For tasks created by the public via the "send feedback" widget, no email notification is ever sent to the creator. If you need to contact them, please use the email address provided in the details pane.