Log in to BugHerd with your Google or Microsoft account

  • Last updated on September 19, 2023 at 2:51 AM

Use your Google or Microsoft account to log in to BugHerd and have one less password to remember.

How do I log in with my Google or Microsoft account?

  1. When you go to log in to BugHerd, you will see two new options:
    • Continue with Google
    • Continue with Microsoft
  2. Click the option you want to log in with, then select the account you want to log in to BugHerd with. 
    • New user? you will need to sign up to use your Google or Microsoft account.
    • Existing user? You can use your Google or Microsoft account to log in, instead of your existing username and password combination.

I have an existing email and password log in for BugHerd, can I change to Google or Microsoft log in?

Yes. Simply choose continue with Google or continue with Microsoft and select the account you want to log in with.