Accessing your account invoices

  • Last updated on January 12, 2024 at 5:21 AM

Sending invoices via email isn't something we're fans of. Email addresses get updated, inboxes get full, spam filters get too strict and sometimes email simply doesn't have the same level of timeliness that we want.

That's why we've made it easier by storing all your account invoices within your BugHerd account the very moment that they're processed.

How you access your invoices depends on which UI you are currently using:

Old BugHerd UI

Users with Billing Manager privileges can simply click the Settings link in the top nav, then the "Invoices" tab. It should look like this:

The page will display a list of every invoice issued from BugHerd, available for you to download any time! 

New BugHerd UI

Users will need to be a billing manager or above to access invoices.

Click your Org name on the top left hand side of the screen and select Org Settings.

Select Invoices to display a list of every Invoice from BugHerd, available for you to download any time.

If you need to update any of the details on your invoice, please get in touch with and we'd be happy to assist.