What does "We couldn't find this website" mean?

  • Last updated on May 18, 2021 at 4:16 AM


When you add or update the website URLs associated with your project, BugHerd does a quick verification to see whether that website is accessible on the internet. This is to help you notice if you might have mistyped/copied/pasted the URL incorrectly.


It's important to note that this is just a warning message. Regardless of whether we can verify your website exists or not, you can still use BugHerd on this URL.


But it's a real website... I can access it fine?

If this is the case, you can ignore this message. Sometimes your website is only accessible to you and others in your company (e.g. it's on your local servers). In this case, you see this warning because BugHerd doesn't have access your company network. Keep in mind though, if you invite others to your BugHerd project who aren't in your company, they might not be able to access your website either.


Can I use BugHerd on my local machine (e.g. https://localhost)?

Yes, if you're using BugHerd on a local website you can ignore this message too for the same reason mentioned above.


If you still have questions, or are having any other issues please contact us at support@bugherd.com