Inviting clients (for users who previously have invited reporters)

  • Last updated on February 25, 2025 at 3:48 AM


This article describes how the recent change from reporters to clients will affect you and your clients / testers.

What changed?

Clients are essentially what reporters used to be, with the exception that when you invite new clients now, they won't be prompted to create a BugHerd account anymore. They will receive a link in their invitation email which will redirect them straight to the URL you specified when you invited them.

How are existing reporters affected?

If you have any existing reporters who previously used to have a login into BugHerd: their login will still work. When they login, they should only see a link to go to the website if they only have access to one project :


If the reporter had access to multiple projects, they can switch to the other project from the dropdown:


Inviting new clients

When you invite clients, from now on they won't be asked to create a BugHerd account anymore. They will get a link which redirects them to provide feedback on the URL you specify with your invite. Note that in order for this to be effective, the sidebar must be installed by inserting the JavaScript code on your website pages prior to sending the invites!

Re-inviting reporters as clients

If you have any existing reporters that you would like to get testing right now, we recommend sending them new clients links. You do this by going to your project, edit the clients and resend the invitations by clicking "resend". This will trigger a new email to them containing the new link that takes them straight to your test site.

Please feel free to ask if you have any further questions or require help.