Basecamp integration setup guide

  • Last updated on March 13, 2024 at 11:45 PM


BugHerd's integration with Basecamp will create To-do list items for each bug in a nominated To-do list and keep them in sync. (Note it's not yet possible to have changes made in Basecamp synchronise back).

BugHerd integrates both with New Basecamp and Basecamp Classic. Please choose the correct integration to add to your account.

How it works

Once you have nominated a BugHerd project to be mapped to one of your Basecamp To-do lists, this information is sent to Basecamp:

  • Bug description, as the To-do list item name
  • A link to the bug as the first comment on the To-do list item
  • Any comments made on the bug are added to the To-do list item as comments


Note: to setup an integration on your account, you must have the manager permission.

Please skip to one of the sections below depending on whether you are using (old) Basecamp Classic or Basecamp 2. Basecamp3 support is not yet available.

Basecamp 2 

On the integrations page, find Basecamp and select add integration.

If your account has not yet been linked to your 37 Signals ID, you will see an error message.

Click on authorize your 37 signals account and follow the prompts from 37signals.

Once you have returned you will have the option to connect your account. Note that if your 37signals ID has multiple Basecamp accounts you need to choose which one to connect to this BugHerd account.

Please skip to the section below about Project Setup to map your BugHerd project to a To-do list.

Basecamp Classic

On the Integrations page, find Basecamp Classic and select add integration.

  • URL: this is the URL in the form where 'company' should be replaced with your organization's basecamp account name.

  • Username: your 37signals login
  • Password: your 37signals password

Please wait for BugHerd to verify your credentials and click save to add the integration to your account.

Project setup

Upon creating the integration, you will be taken to the projects screen. This is where you can map your BugHerd projects to a Basecamp Todo-list. You can come back to this screen any time from the integrations screen, by clicking projects on from the activated integration:

On the projects screen, pick a BugHerd project you own from the dropdown on the left, and a Basecamp project from the one on the right. Once you have selected a project, another dropdown will allow to select a To-do list from that project. To connect, click add.

Congratulations, setup is complete! Any change you make in your BugHerd project will now be reflected in your nominated To-do list in Basecamp!