BugHerd and Linear Integration

  • Last updated on November 26, 2024 at 9:45 PM

What is Linear?

Linear is a task management and issue tracking tool loved by product development teams. It's designed to help teams manage software projects and workflows efficiently. Users can track active sprints, prioritizing and managing sprint work and other tasks not related to a specific sprint.

Linear streamlines the software development process by providing a centralized platform for managing tasks, projects and collaboration.

How this integration works

You need to be on a premium or above plan to integrate BugHerd with Linear.
Link BugHerd to Linear to send tasks submitted by your team and clients in BugHerd through to Linear for your development team to resolve.

Choose when and how your BugHerd tasks are sent to Linear.

How to install

This video shows you how to set up your Linear integration and how it works.

Link BugHerd to Linear

  1. Click Integrations in the Left-hand side of your project task board. The Integrations window appears.
  2. Select the integration you want to enable by clicking Connect next to the name.
  3. Click Connect to connect the BugHerd project. The Authorize app window appears.
  4. Click Accept to connect BugHerd to Linear. You will now see the options on the Configuration tab.

Link BugHerd to your Linear account

  1. To start sending BugHerd Tasks to Linear, you need to select where you want to send tasks. Under Linear Team, select the account.
  2. Under Liner Project, select the specific project you'd like to send tasks to.
  3. You can also group all your tasks under a particular Linear label. Select it under Linear Issue Label.

Selecting your project and section (if you choose to) enables you to send tasks manually to Linear, directly from the task details in BugHerd. 

Select Add to Linear to create a new issue in Linear, or select Link existing task to add it as a subtask on an existing issue.

Now, let's look at how to set up your integration to automatically send tasks to Linear and update them as needed.

Automate sending tasks and updates to Linear

Choose to send tasks to Linear automatically, and enable Linear issues to be updated with changes made to BugHerd tasks. You can also choose to update BugHerd when tasks are completed in Linear.

a) Select Automatically Create Tasks in Linear to send all tasks from BugHerd to Linear, including tasks in the feedback tab (guest feedback).

Alternatively, you can choose to send tasks only when they are moved to a specific column in BugHerd (such as To Do).

b) Select Update BugHerd status when completed in Linear to update the status of BugHerd tasks to done.

c) Select Create comments in Linear to send comments to Linear when they're added to a BugHerd task.