Modifying the text of the Public Feedback UI

  • Last updated on January 24, 2025 at 12:32 AM

For some of you who use BugHerd's "Public Feedback" feature, it's important to customise the content displayed to your users. There are 2 ways to do this which we will cover in this article.

  1. Dynamically changing the language displayed to your users
  2. Customising the specific text displayed to your users


Dynamically changing the language displayed to your users

By default, the Public Feedback UI is in English however you can switch between supported languages using the locale setting. Simply set the locale value of BugHerdConfig prior to embedding your BugHerd Project's Javascript code.

<script type="text/javascript">

  var BugHerdConfig = {"locale":"fr"}


Important note: BugHerd currently supports English, German, French, Dutch and Hebrew translations, however we are expanding this list on a case-by-case basis so if you require another language please contact and we can add it for you.


Customising the specific text displayed to your users

You can also override the default UI text with your own custom content. This is done by setting specific values of the feedback setting. Below is an example of each of the available text elements that can be overridden (including default text). Please note, using the fields below cannot be used in combination with locale setting described above. You can only use one or the other.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var BugHerdConfig = {
    feedback: {
      tab_text: "Send feedback",
      option_title_text: "Choose an option",
      option_pin_text: "I have feedback regarding a specific part of this page.",
      option_site_text: "I have feedback regarding this page or site as a whole.",
      pin_instruction_text: "Hover over page elements to highlight them, then click to create an annotation.",
      feedback_title: 'New Feedback',
      feedback_entry_placeholder: "write a comment or describe a problem",
      feedback_email_placeholder: "your email address",
      feedback_submit_text: "send feedback",
      confirm_success_text: "Your feedback was sent.",
      confirm_loading_text: "Sending feedback.",
      confirm_close_text: "close",
      confirm_error_text: "Sending feedback was unsuccessful.",
      confirm_retry_text: "Try again",
      confirm_extension_text: "Did you know you can send a screenshot with your bug reports?",
      confirm_extension_link_text: "Find out how.",
      feedback_consent: "I consent to the collection of information I provide and screenshots created as part of the feedback process, to be used in accordance with BugHerd's privacy policy",
      touch_instruction_text: "Touch anywhere to create an annotation on that area",
      powered_by: "powered by",


If you're interested in customising the look and feel of the "Send feedback" tab, take a look at this article.